Last night William had his first experience with Mr.Bubble's bubble bath. The pictures are deceiving, he was not amused.
The first 5 minutes he was in he was trying to climb out of the tub and crying. He eventually calmed down and played a minute and tried to figure out what this strange foamy stuff was. Then he spent the last part of his bath swishing the water and pushing the bubbles away from him so that they would not touch him. Oh well, we shall try it again in a few more weeks.

Moving to a small town has proven to be limiting. Add in the fact that here the weather is already well below freezing. We get cooped up in the house most of the time except for the occasional trip to Walmart or Safeway (Yep that is about all there is to do here). We would normally go to the park, or go on a walk/hike.Yet now that it is so cold and we live in a much smaller town than before there is not much to do with a little one. But we found a little hidden gem here in town. We decided to try out the Children's Museum. I saw online that they had an infant/toddler play room. So going this morning, that is what I expect to let him run around in. Once we got there we were beyond pleasantly surprised that it was 3 levels with so much to see. Science, music, imagination areas and more!

It was a big hit! William loved that he could get into anything he wanted, play with other kids, and learn stuff too! The staff was super nice, the place was clean and even interesting for us parents as well. Plus on Wacky Wednesday it is only a $1 from 10-11, easy on the wallet. Definitely a must do again soon.
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