Wednesday, April 30, 2014


So for those of you who don't know me very well. I thought I would do this TMI Tag in my blog so we can get to know each other better. I changed a few questions so they apply to bloggers. Hope you learn something new and interesting about me.


1: What are you wearing?
     - Black Leggings, Grey and White Tunic
2: Ever been in love? 
    - Yes
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? 
   - Yes and No. No crazy screaming fighting ones, but hurtful ones yes
4: How tall are you?
   - 5ft. 7in
5: How much do you weigh?
    -  HAHA Yeah Right!
6: Any tattoos?
    - No 
7: Any piercings?
    - Yes my ears, both twice
8: OTP?
   - What the Heck is this?
9: Favorite show?
   - Supernatural and Grimm
10: Favorite bands?
      - Too many to pick, but I guess I should say FromtheFallen (haha!)
11: Something you miss? .
     - My Friends in CA
12: Favorite song?
     - Don't Stop Believin' by Journey
13: How old are you?
    - 31
14: Zodiac sign?
    - Virgo
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
   - Loving, Trustworthy and a few more things ;)
16: Favorite Quote?
    - "Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming"
17: Favorite actor?
    - I don't really have one
18: Favorite color?
    - Red or Black
19: Loud music or soft?
    - Both, it depends on what mood I'm in or what is going on
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
    - Probably my bedroom
21: How long does it take you to shower?
    - Most days less than 5 minutes, But if washing my hair about 15. 
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 
    - Most days 2 minutes for a pony tail for my mommy uniform
    - But If I'm going out of the house 20-30 minutes
    - For shows it can take about 1 to 2 hours for hair, makeup, and show clothes
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
    - Yes
24: Turn on?
    - Self assurance 
25: Turn off?
    - Liars and Sissies (Just being honest)
26: The reason I started blogging ?
    - I wanted to share some of my ideas and stories people always asked me about. 
27: Fears?
    - Death of a loved one
28: Last thing that made you cry?
    - I cry when I get frustrated, so the last time I was frustrated
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
    - To my Husband on the phone, or my Son like 20 times a day. I tell them both a lot.
30: Meaning behind your Blog's name?
    - Amber is my Name and FromtheFallen is the bands names, so.... yeah....
31: Last book you read?
    - Daughters of the Moon
32: The book you’re currently reading?
    - Hungry Girl 123
33: Last show you watched?
    - Bubble Guppies
34: Last person you talked to?
    - My Son
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
    - Husband
36: Favorite food?
    -  Italian
37: Place you want to visit?
    - Paris!
38: Last place you were?
    - Safeway if it's other than my house, Sacramento if it's out of town.
39: Do you have a crush?
    - Ummm, I married him.
40: Last time you kissed someone?
    - Husband and My Little boy
41: Last time you were insulted?
    - I wont say whom 
42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
    - Love cheesecake!
43: What instruments do you play??
    - Clarinet and my Voice of course
44: Favorite piece of jewelry?
    - Wedding rings
45: Last sport you played?
    - Running (I consider it a sport)
46: Last song you sang?
    - "Winnie the Pooh"
47: Favorite chat up line?
    - Huh?
48: Have you ever used it?
    - What?
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
    - Easter with my family
50: Who should answer these questions next?
    - Everyone!!! And Share them with me!!

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