Well folks it's time for the second installment of ""You Know What Really Grinds My Gears"
You can go check out the
First Installment Here.
- Grown Women (OR anyone over the age of 12) Wearing Little Bows Clips In Their Hair.
Not only do I think it just looks wrong. I can not for the life of me understand why you would want to make yourself look like a small little or baby girl. Umm can someone say pedophilia issues or instead Daddy issues. It's not hip and it's not cute. I mean No one wants to see a 70 year old dressed like a 20 year old so why would you think a 20 year trying to be cutesy like a baby is attractive....IT's NOT.
- People Who Just Walk Right Out Into Traffic
I think this probably ticks off a bunch of people. Excuse me why are you so important that you would risk causing an accident and hurt others just because you can't be bothered to wait your turn. Oh wait that's right you
ARE better than everyone else, I forgot, please your highness do as you please.
Plus you know these people almost never use the crosswalk. To top if off they walk really slow and look at you like your the idiot with that smug look on their face and I should step off . I know I'm not alone in thinking one of these days I'm just going to do it I so want to run this person over tight now. But no I would be the one in jail. Mean while this a**hole who is breaking the law would be suing me and sponging off it the rest of their life...
- The rude neighbors who either plays rap music so loud and/or who parties at all times of the day and night.
Hey a**hole some people have to go to work. Some have kids who need to sleep or nap. I don't appreciate being woken up at 3 AM to that and then have my baby start crying and not go back to sleep because they got scared. Or for those that work really early in the morning who then only get 2-3 hours of sleep I'm sure they really appreciate it. Yeah Thanks! I'm all for having a great time but have some respect and thoughtfulness for others. I would start blasting Metal at 9 AM, since we know you don't get up until noon, but again trying to be the bigger person and not sink down to your level. But one of the these days I might lose it and don't be surprised if a brick comes through your window...
Alright enough rants from me for today. To all of you, go ahead and spill what "Grinds Your Gears."