Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Storytime At The Library

Today William and I went to the Library's infant/toddler Storytime. I have always wanted to take him but no matter where we have lived all of the times were during his morning nap. However now William is starting to transition out of his morning nap therefore letting us skip it somedays. So YAY we can finally join in on Storytime! 
This kid loves books! He spent several minutes rearranging the baby books into different bins. It was really fun and we are finally getting out and meeting new people in our new town. 
Plus we ran into some familiar faces from the park. It was a great FREE activity for us so we plan on being regulars now that Will is getting older. 
Plus our local library has puzzles and other neat things for the kids to do. As a child going to the library was a fun trip we made often and I remember it being so exciting. We plan to keep that up with our children too. Hope you are all enjoying your day too!

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